Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Who do I want to be?

That is a big question that deserves a reasonable amount of thought. It is almost as important as the question of how am I going to get there? But before I can get there I need to know where I am. Its a little like getting google map directions but for my health!

Current Statistics:
Height - 5ft 6
Weight - 68.9kg
BMI - 24.5
Body Fat - 29%
Bench weight - 35kg
Squat weight - 30kg
I have trouble running 1k continuously let alone 5k! I cannot do unassisted pull-ups and I can barely do 1 well formed push up. Pretty pathetic to be honest BUT the only way is up. I can't get any worse (... surely!?)
And this... is me (After previously having lost 1 stone, woop woop). 

OK, OK... I know that sports bras and stripy pants just don't go... :p

Oh bicep, where art thou?
If  I am honest, taking pictures of myself was a daunting task. I really didn't want to see what I truly looked liked, after all the camera doesn't lie. So I gritted my teeth and asked my partner to "Just do it"... and I was surprised with what I saw. "Damn, I'm not that bad after all!" I must have a really messed up sense of what I look like because this certainly wasn't what I was expecting to see staring back at me! I am not satisfied with what I see, but I am not totally grossed out by it either. And that, I think, is a good place to be. I am comfortable with my body (enough so that I am willing to show you, which is a big step for me!) but still passionate enough to think that I can make this OK looking body into something strong, capable and hot ;) Well I hope so! 

Now for the WHAT part of the equation. I have modest aspirations for myself in the next few months (or however long it takes me to get there but preferably by July), just to get myself started.
  • I want to be a healthy 66kg minimum, maybe eventually getting down to 63kg. This would push my BMI into the healthier bracket of 22-23 However I am pretty easy going with how much I way as long as I feel good and can still fit into my size 12 jeans! 
  • I would like to reduce my body fat by at least 4 %.
  • Be able to run 5k and participate in my first marathon for charity.
  • Be able to do 1 unassisted pull up.
  • Be able to do 10 non "girl" push ups with good form.
  • Be able to bench and squat my own weight.
  • And finally to begin to see some definition in my muscles. I want to find my bicep ;)
So, now that I have decided on my starting goals, HOW on earth am I going to get there?
  • I will shift that last little bit of excess weight by maintaining a 500 calorie deficit, cutting out the crap in my diet and eating healthier foods. I apparently need 2113 calories a day to maintain my current weight, so that leaves me with 1613 calories a day to play with. I would love to attempt a paleo diet, however I don't think that at this point in my life I would be able to keep it up. So for now I will settle for small healthy changes to my diet.
  • I will be using the couch to 5k to improve my cardiovascular fitness
  • I will also be following the weights routine recommended by stumptuous 3 times a week
  • I will be starting this coming Sunday, once I return to uni from home
And that, is my master plan *queue evil laughter*. It may end up being too much, or maybe not enough. However I won't know until I try.

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you will land amongst the stars" - Les Brown

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