Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Do you really listen?

Recently, I decided I wanted to expand my skills to help with my work and so signed myself up to the Samaritans to become a "Listener". I have just completed my introduction and even from this brief glimpse into the world of counselling, I have discovered a surprising fact about 80% of the people I know. They simply don't listen. OK, they pause long enough to let you talk, but they don't actually care about what you have said. They are purely waiting for their turn to talk... and I dont mean that everybody is self absorbed but more that they have forgotten that sometimes, the best response isnt talking about the time it happened to them. Sometimes when you talk, you need people to TRULY listen to you and hear what you are saying.  It made me wonder if I was unknowingly committing this crime.

Active listening  requires you to try and hear more than just the words someone is saying, but also the message and the emotions that lie behind them. Sometimes you just don't know how to respond when a friend or family member opens up to you and it is easy to kill the conversation by responding with "Don't worry" or "I know how you feel". Suddenly that person that was confiding in you clams up and the moment passes. However they obviously needed to talk to someone and they chose you for a reason. We all have that friend that we turn to for advice and a sympathetic shoulder, but I bet you do so because they actually listen to you.

So how can you become a better "Active" listener?
  1. Body Language is important to demonstrate you are interested in what somebody has to say. Make sure you position your body towards them, leaning slightly forwards with an open posture (no crossed arms). 
  2. Maintain eye contact regularly with the speaker, giving them your undivided attention. This means putting down your book, turning off the television and putting your life on hold, even if it is for a brief moment. Most people will be flattered that you are taking even a small amount of time out for them and instantly feel like they are being valued.
  3. Acknowledge that you are listening by nodding, smiling and using simple words
  4. Always try to use open questions. For example, use "How are you today?" instead of "Are you ok?". This prevents them from simply replying with yes or no, allowing them to begin to open up.
  5. You can keep the conversation going by summarising important points, clarifying when things begin to get complicated and providing simple encouragement to keep them talking. Even when you are desperate to talk about what is bothering you, sometimes you can get stuck on the difficult points, especially if it is a sensitive subject.
  6. Try to keep your reactions neutral. Even if you disagree, sometimes people need to just get things off their chest. It may not even be their real opinion but they still need to voice it. Interrupting them will simply frustrate them and complicate issues. This includes the situations where people are complaining about yourself. Allow them to make their points fully and then defend yourself.
  7. Unless that person specifically asks for advice, it is safer to assume they just need to talk about it. Do not reply with your similar situations.
All of those points are so simple, so important and so easy to forget. If you develop the skills to listen properly you will make people feel interesting, valued, respected and loved. Greater communication will improve all of your relationships by providing intimacy, self-esteem and preventing misunderstandings.

Do you actually listen to people in a way that makes people feel heard?

Saturday, 14 May 2011


My picture is misleading as I am not talking  about the useful grain that grows in paddy fields but instead the acronym for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation...
I have sprained my ankle! I will now be out of action for a few days while I try and take the edge of the throbbing. I'm so angry at myself as I seriously wanted to go back to crossfit this weekend, and now I am going to have to wait a while. SIGH

On a side note, Adam at Practical Paleolithic has recently posted an article outlining the how much a woman athlete, who is training hard and too the max, should achieve in weightlifting. The suggestions are:

Bench Press: 165-210 pounds
Squat: 220-280 pounds
Deadlift: 275-350 pounds
OUCH! That does seem like an awful lot but not too unachievable. As I am average weight and height, I will aim for the middle of these brackets.
Bench Press: 187.5lbs (85kg)
Squat: 250lbs (113kg)
Deadlift: 312lbs (142kg)

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Sad Panda

I have no real reason to be blue today other than that the little things are beginning to get to me. Let me explain...
  • I bought the wrong train ticket
  • Dropped my breakfast
  • Cut my leg open on my bike pedal
  • Almost missed the train
  • Some doosh almost ran me over
  • The trolley man was rude to me
  • Dropped my lunch
  • My back is still aching 
  • Member of staff at work delights in making me realise how little I know still
  • I don't like the dress that I ordered for my ball and the shoes are too uncomfortable
Yes I know... Man up... I did however manage to force myself into a cheery mood after having a good day at work and then being let home early for work. Super cheery, I decided to make a curry from scratch. I am more than likely over exaggerating this but it feels like everything I cook for my partner at the moment, he doesn't enjoy. Today was no different. Crash, there goes my mood again. It isn't his fault, after all he cant help not liking a Thai curry. As much as I would like to blame him for my blues, it wouldn't be fair. Its just me being a cow I think. So I went and hit the gym. This did absolutely nothing for my mood as it is chocker block with students all trying to get their "beach bodies" ready for the summer. I find myself hating them all. Needless to say I didn't hang around long and went to the library instead.
Sigh. What I am trying to get at is that today was just one of "those days".
Hopefully tomorrow I will roll out of bed the RIGHT way.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Welcome to "The Box"

So today was THE day - My first day at a crossfit gym. It has been a mixture of excitement and absolute terror and so its not surprising that now, I am completely drained. My hands are extremely sore, I have bruised my thumbnail and muscles ache that I was never aware of having but I am also extremely proud of myself. Today I have taken a step, that 3 month ago I would never dreamed of doing. I have managed to prove to myself that I CAN do anything, no matter how scary it is, if I just put my mind to it and summon up some determination. Never let obstacles get in the way of what you want to do.

Crossfit Britannia in Portsmouth is on top of a very big hill, and as today was particularly sunny, I could see straight out over Langstone Harbour. If I had had any breath left from cycling up that hill, then the view would have taken it away!
I owe a big thank you to Michelle Abrahart, as from the moment I entered the gym she made me feel at ease. I think I would have easily bolted straight out the door if it had been for her friendliness. I think it also helped that it was just me and her there, going through the fundamentals. We quickly ran through what I knew (very little), what I didn't (so much!) and what crossfit actually is. After this was out of the way, she asked me to perform a squat to see how good my form is.... queue an awkward laugh! I have been so worried that it would turn out that had been using shocking form the past 2 months...
It turns out that I lead with my knees and trying to correct this requires a lot of thought! However, apart from that I think the rest of my form wasn't too bad... I think! :P
Next was learning the front and overhead squat. The overhead squat has scared me for sometime now as I feel that my upper body strength cannot cope with keeping that bar up. With more than a few tips, I think I could now attempt to do this move with a lot more confidence in myself.
Fast forward to pull ups. I can now do one un-assisted pull up and halfway back up to the next one! Massive achievement for me and something tick of my list of goals :) I have also started to learn the intimidating kipping pull up - my lack of co-ordination makes this a little tricky!
And finally - Kettlebells. I can quite firmly say that, my god this is harder than it looks. It is because of the kettlebells that I hurt in place that I never knew existed. My technique is poor and I am struggling yet again with the co-ordination but I know that I will get there eventually.

Last but not least: My first WOD

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
  • 5 Chest to bar Pull-ups
  • 10 Wall ball shots, 
  • 15 Kettlebell swings
I am a weakling and Michelle mercifully cut the 20 minutes down to 12 to spare me from dying. If I remember correctly, I completed 3 rounds with the first round taking me 1min 30.
Not bad for a first attempt. The exhaustion that hit me after I had done just 3 rounds was unbelievable. I don't think I have ever worked that hard in my life! The pride that hit me after I had recovered (which took a considerable time for the shaking to go away) was awesome. I have really enjoyed today and will definitely be going back for more. I must be mad ;)

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Time to try Crossfit

I have been playing with the idea of joining a crossfit gym for sometime now. The gym I currently lift weights is full of students - mainly women that spend hours on the treadmill and men that sit an curl for the same length of time. Up until recently, this has been good enough for me as I was happy in my own little workout bubble. I think this bubble truly burst a few weeks ago.

I was setting up my last set of 55kg, when I noticed a woman walking into the normally male filled environment of the weights section. I paused, interested to see if she was coming to do some weights training but was disappointed to discover she was just here to talk to her boyfriend. As I started my set, the man greeted another friend and started discussing his recent injury in front of me. I am fully aware that listening in to other peoples conversations is rude however, it is a little hard not to when the are speaking loudly and directly in front of you. Trying hard to zone out, I ignore them and struggle to finish. Absolutely exhausted, I then lean on the bar to recover and tune back into the conversation. Her bf's friend is asking her if she does weights too...
The woman loudly scoffs, declares "Dear god no! I wouldn't want to end up like him. Girls don't do weights." and pats her bf's huge arms. It is at this point she happens to glance in my direction to be greeted with my incredulous open mouthed stare... Girls don't do weights?
Here I am, sweating like a pig and pretty damn proud of the fact that girls DO do weights, and heavy ones too. At least she had the decency to blush!

I am so tired of the opinions that the average women hold about weightlifting.
"I don't want to get bulky". Oh my goodness, if I had a pound for every time I heard that...
I am tired of the men that stare at me as if I shouldn't be there, even though in some cases I am lifting heavier and with better form than they are.
I am simply tired of my gym.
Angry and frustrated, I posted on the Strong Is the New Skinny Facebook page and received an interesting response.
Change your gym and preferably join crossfit. Well why not?
Firstly, although crossfit looks so amazingly good, it is also a little bit daunting to someone like me. And although I have been fascinated by it for such a long time, I have been too damn scared to take that jump.
Secondly, there are no "nearby" crossfit/power lifting gyms. SINS took these two points and figuratively stomped on them. Crossfit would be perfect for me and even though they are far away, I could easily travel to it once a week... After a few tentative emails, I have decided visit my nearest crossfit gym and see how I get on!

This is a massive step for me. I am so excited and so nervous at the same time. I just hope that crossfit is everything I hope it to be and that my form isn't too shocking ;) Anyway, I join tomorrow...
Wish me luck.