Sunday, 6 March 2011

Go hard or Go home.

I was nearing the end of my squat set in the power rack when a rather large man asked my training partner how many more sets we had left. He politely replied "1 but then we are using it for benching". The large man scowled and walked away. This may seem petty but he had already set my back up by asking me first, purely because there are 2 other racks but they have men using them. So of course he comes over to ask us. Lets try and intimidate the girl. I ignore it and carry on...
He returns now that I am resting and my training partner is working, to ask us again. I politely replied with the same answer to which he replies with "well how long is that going to be then?" he looks arsey at this point. "about 10 minutes?" "OK well come find me when you are done" and he walks away. OK now my feathers are getting ruffled. Come find you huh? What am I your serving girl?
He suddenly catches onto the fact that there is only one bench left to use, which we will be needing for our sets of benching. And so he picks it up, moves it away and half heartedly does some bicep curls (Yes, he is definitely a curl bro!)
When I realise what he has done (either on purpose or accidentally) I concede defeat and tell him I am finished for now. His smile is a little too smug for my liking. However I am still not that annoyed. Irked maybe but after all I can just work on my pull ups and dips.
Now for the cherry on top. He spends 5 minutes looking at the power rack, sets up a massive amount, manages to squeeze out 2-3 reps and then pheww. he rests. He rearranges his stuff on the floor next to him, contemplating the angle of his water bottle and manages to take another 5 min just loitering. He hasnt even broken a sweat yet. This routine is repeated twice more and then he just sits there....
I mean really. You kicked me the power rack for that! I wouldn't have been bothered if he was actually going to use it but please! He was just taking the piss. Either go hard or go home.

I have learnt 2 lessons from this.
1. Do your benching first to so no-one can steal your bench.
2. And do not EVER rush your set just because some arsey big shot is pressuring you.
Screw him, I have every much right to be using it, so you can just wait your turn like I had to and suck it up.
Its a real shame that there are so many men like him in the free weights section, but at least I am now beginning to work out who are the gaukers, who are the talkers and who are the helpers. Even a few of those men who are worth talking to are beginning to smile at me. I guess I am not doing so bad after all.

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