Thursday, 17 March 2011

Improvements and set backs

It has been a while since my last post and I just wanted to say I haven't given up on my goals, I am still hard at it! So, a quick update from me :)

Original stats from 1 month ago:
Max push ups - 4/5
Benching - 35kg
Squatting - 30kg
Assisted pull ups - on 60 kg 8 reps x 3
Weight - 68.9kg

Max push ups - 8
Benching - 40kg
Squatting - 45kg
Assisted pull ups - on 50kg 8 reps x 3
Weight - 68.4kg

I haven't actually done that much cardio at the moment, I have been so into my weights that I have almost totally forgotten about it. However I will be cracking on with that as my new job requires 60 mins of cycling daily... If that doesn't get me onto the road of fitness nothing will! 
Basically, I am feeling pretty chuffed with myself. I am steadily increasing and that fills me with a lot of hope. It wont be long until I can proudly lift 2 large yellow 15kg weight onto my barbell and do some real squats. I cant wait until I can do the cross fit motto of "Your workout is my warm up" some real justice.

However there is a big BUT with all of this positivity. I have had a real set back lately. I massively hurt my hip/groin. I think it was a combination of spending 2 hrs in a childrens play area, lifting some heavy weights with poor form the day after and then cycling on top of it. My body was just pushed past its max and my god am I paying the price. I have only done upper body workouts on my last 2 sessions as the pain was so intense. I literally had to hold myself back from getting in the power rack and doing some real work but my training partner reminded me of how much longer I would take to heal if I kept pushing it. I needed to let myself recover.... I am off to the gym again tomorrow, so I will see if my hip is any better, but I am tearing my hair out not being able to do my beloved squats.
Ok back to positivity! Because I have been focusing on my upper body a little more, I have noticed a big increase in my pull up ability. I have also done my first 4000 meter rowing session taking 19 min. There is something really methodical about rowing that allows me to just get into an awesome rhythm. I think I will have to add a little bit more rowing to my current work outs.

So there you have it, the highs and the lows of the last few weeks. Onwards and upwards :)

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